Delegate Dancing Standard & Behaviour

The Following Guidelines are taken from the Manual For The Operation of Square Dance Conventions in Australia V03


2.01     Whilst attending the Convention a dancer is fully expected to comply with a Code of Conduct which will enhance the image, pleasure and functioning of the Convention.

2.02     The Convenors intend this code to maintain long recognised standards for all delegates and guests. The code is about our values and our intention to extend courtesy, respect and friendliness to all.

2.03     This Code of Conduct will cover all facets of the Convention including Meetings, Dances and all other functions included in the Convention.

2.04     If a Delegate breaches the Code of Conduct and the issue/incident requires escalation, then a Board Member must be notified immediately. The Board Disciplinary Process will then be enacted.


3.01     Only Dancers capable of dancing to the Programme stated shall be permitted to dance.

3.011  Where it is patently obvious that a Delegate is unable to dance the stated Programme; the Committee shall approach the person in question and request his or her non- participation. If the offender persists, they are to be asked to surrender their Convention Ribbon and leave the dance floor. 

3.012  The person may remain as a spectator providing an undertaking not to attempt further dancing is given.

3.02     Every Delegate is charged with the responsibility of being fully aware of the etiquette of Square Dancing and shall conduct himself/herself accordingly.

3.021  Square Dance etiquette may be defined as follows:

3.022  A Dancer must conduct himself or herself with courtesy and good manners, in particular towards fellow Dancers.

3.023  When on the Dance Floor one shall pay attention to and follow the instructions of the Compère, Marshals and Caller and shall remain in the set until the conclusion of the bracket.

3.024  When dancing, a Dancer shall dance smoothly in such a manner as to assist in the enjoyment, safety and comfort of fellow Dancers.

3.025  A Dancer must maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming so as not to give offence to fellow Dancers and maintain the general high standard of the Square Dance Movement.

3.03     The Committee shall reserve the right not to admit anyone, who in their opinion:-

(i)        is improperly dressed or

(ii)       who is not in fit and proper control of their faculties or

(iii)      is considered liable to give offence to other Dancers or

(iv)      considered under the effects of alcohol or

(v)       considered under the effects of drugs.

46.031            It is recommended in the case where the person in question has a Convention Ticket, a decision be made by the full Committee, then the remaining portion of the Ticket, less a cancellation fee, be refunded.

3.04     No person is to be permitted on the Dance floor who is not neatly, cleanly and correctly dressed in recognised Square Dance attire.  This shall not preclude a person specially attired for novelty and demonstration items.

3.05     The Committee shall reserve the right not to admit anyone, who in their opinion, has exhibited unwarranted behaviour. These behaviours include, but not limited to:

(i)        Inappropriate physical contact,

(ii)       Unwelcome sexual attention,

(iii)      Verbal comments that are demeaning, or discomforting,

(iv)      Unwanted or unwelcome behaviour (sexual or otherwise) which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated,

(v)       Using bad language,

(vi)      Harassing photography or recording,

(vii)     Ignoring reasonable requests to change one’s behaviour,

(viii)    Stalking, deliberate intimidation, or unsolicited following,

(ix)      Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviour.

3.06     It is recommended in the case where the person in question has a Convention Ticket, a decision be made by the full Committee, then the remaining portion of the Ticket, less a cancellation fee, be refunded.

3.07     Smoking in any form is not permitted in any Dance hall areas or meeting rooms.

3.08     Alcohol shall not be consumed on the premises, except as noted (Refer Section 16.062)